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Date : 2004-07-18
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Music Theory for NonMusic Majors 3rd Edition Peter ~ Music Theory for NonMusic Majors is designed for the student who wishes to gain a thorough understanding of the basic principles of music theory but who is not immediately interested in making a career out of music Chapters 14 cover the basic elements of notation major and minor scales scale degrees simple meter and melodic intervals
Music Theory for NonMusic Majors 3rd edition Pearson ~ Music Theory for NonMusic Majors is designed for the student who wishes to gain a thorough understanding of the basic principles of music theory but who is not immediately interested in making a career out of music Chapters 14 cover the basic elements of notation major and minor scales scale degrees simple meter and melodic intervals
Music Theory for NonMusic Majors 3rd Edition 3rd third ~ Music Theory for NonMusic Majors 3rd Edition 3rd third Edition by Spencer Peter 2004 Paperback 40 out of 5 stars 6 ratings See all 5 formats and editions Hide other formats and editions
Spencer Music Theory for NonMusic Majors 3rd Edition ~ Description For undergraduatelevel courses in Music Theory for the nonmusic major This textworkbook is designed for students who are not necessarily planning to make music a career but who wish to understand how the music they hear every day in the mass media works
Music Theory for NonMusic Majors 3rd edition ~ For undergraduatelevel courses in Music Theory for the nonmusic major This textworkbook is designed for students who are not necessarily planning to make music a career but who wish to understand how the music they hear every day in the mass media works
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