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Date : 2000-12-15
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Analysis with an Introduction to Proof 5 Steven R Lay ~ For courses in undergraduate Analysis and Transition to Advanced Mathematics Analysis with an Introduction to Proof Fifth Edition helps fill in the groundwork students need to succeed in real analysis—often considered the most difficult course in the undergraduate curriculum By introducing logic and emphasizing the structure and nature of the arguments used this text helps students move carefully from computationally oriented courses to abstract mathematics with its emphasis on proofs
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Analysis With An Introduction to Proof 5th Edition ~ For courses in undergraduate Analysis and Transition to Advanced Mathematics Analysis with an Introduction to Proof Fifth Edition helps fill in the groundwork students need to succeed in real analysis—often considered the most difficult course in the undergraduate curriculum By introducing logic and emphasizing the structure and nature of the arguments used this text helps students move carefully from computationally oriented courses to abstract mathematics with its emphasis on proofs
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